Content Correction Fee
Let you know that you expressed concern about your article during the proofreading. It was mentioned in point no. 2 that “If you suggest a correction after publishing your article, a content update fee will apply.”  Now, the metadata of the article has been locked. Therefore, a content correction fee will be required to enable the article’s metadata.  It should be noted that a content update is possible only once for a published article. A content correction means that one-time minor changes to the published article are allowed. It does not mean that the entire article will be changed. Minor changes can be correcting the author(s) name, affiliation, equations, typos, wrong values, etc. 
To do this, the author should follow the steps below:

  1. First, pay content correction fee USD 100.
  2. Then submit the content updation form given below.

Please mark the text on the yellow background that you want to change in your revised article. Each file should not be more than 10 MB.
    0 / 500
    No file chosen
    File should not be more than 10 MB.
    No file chosen
    Here, corresponding author photo ID proof is required. File should not be more than 10 MB.