Journal Metrics:

Scholars and researchers count journal metrics to compare, gauge, and research impact and rank the quality and scholarly publications. These metrics, also known as journal rankings, journal impact, or journal importance, enable them to make informed decisions and comparisons regarding literary periodicals [1]. Such metrics are indicators of educational productivity, influence, and relevance in the academic community. Given the significance of journal metrics in academic circles, ensuring they are accurate, reliable, and transparent is paramount. As such, the use and interpretation of journal metrics require careful consideration and scrutiny to avoid potential biases and misrepresentations.

The original citation impact metric is the Journal Impact Factor, created in the 1950s and available through Thompson Reuters’ Journal Citation Reports. Various accessible journal metrics have recently been created, including SCILit, CiteScore, Google Scholar MetricsSCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR), and Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP).


  1. University Library, Evaluating Journals Using Journal Metrics: Overview.